The focus
is on the anatomy of acoustic schwannoma
because this is the most common tumor to
occur in the cerebellopontine angle. These
anatomic considerations are divided into
sections dealing with the relationships at
the lateral end of the tumor in the meatus
and those on the medial end of the tumor at
the brain stem. The anatomy of the region
offers the opportunity for three approaches
to the tumor in the cerebellopontine angle.
One is directed through the posterior
cranial fossa and posterior meatal lip.
Another is directed through the labyrinth
and the posterior surface of the temporal
bone. The third is directed through the
middle cranial fossa and the roof of the
internal acoustic canal. The anatomy
presented by all three approaches is
schwannomas, as they expand, may involve a
majority of the cranial nerves, cerebellar
arteries, and parts of the brain stem. On
the lateral side, in the internal acoustic
canal, they commonly expand by enlarging the
meatus. On the medial side, they compress
the pons, medulla, and cerebellum. A widely
accepted operative precept is that a nerve
involved by tumor should be identified
proximal or distal to the tumor, where its
displacement and distortion is the least,
before the tumor is removed from the
involved segment of nerve. Considerable
attention has been directed to the early
identification of the facial nerve distal to
the tumor at the lateral part of the
internal acoustic canal, whether the
operative route be through the middle fossa,
labyrinth, or posterior meatal lip. Less
attention has been directed to
identification at the brain stem on the
medial side of the tumor. These anatomic
considerations are divided into sections
dealing with the relationships at the
lateral end of the tumor in the meatus, and
those on the medial end of the tumor at the
brain stem.
The nerves
in the lateral part of the internal acoustic
canal are the facial, the cochlear, and the
inferior and superior vestibular nerves. The
position of the nerves is most constant in
the lateral portion of the canal, which is
divided into a superior and an inferior
portion by a horizontal ridge, called either
the transverse crest or the falciform crest.
The facial and the superior vestibular
nerves are superior to the crest. The facial
nerve is anterior to the superior vestibular
nerve and is separated from it at the
lateral end of the canal by a vertical ridge
of bone, called the vertical crest. The
vertical crest is also called Bill's bar in
recognition of William House's role in
focusing on the importance of this crest in
identifying the facial nerve in the lateral
end of the canal. The cochlear and inferior
vestibular nerves run below the transverse
crest, with the cochlear nerve being located
anteriorly. Thus, the lateral meatus can be
considered to be divided into four portions,
with the facial nerve being anterior
superior, the cochlear nerve anterior
inferior, the superior vestibular nerve
posterior superior, and the inferior
vestibular nerve posterior inferior.
acoustic schwannomas most frequently arise
in the posteriorly placed vestibular nerves,
they usually displace the facial and
cochlear nerves anteriorly. Variability in
the direction of growth of the tumor arising
from the vestibular nerves may result in the
facial nerve being displaced, not only
directly anteriorly, but also anterior
superiorly or anterior inferiorly. Because
the facial nerve always enters the facial
canal at the anterior superior quadrant of
the lateral margin of the canal, it is
usually easiest to locate it here, rather
than at a more medial location, where the
degree of displacement of the nerve is more
variable. The cochlear nerve also lies
anterior to the vestibular nerve and will be
stretched around the anterior half of the
filaments of the nervus intermedius are also
stretched around an acoustic schwannoma. The
nervus intermedius is divisible into three
parts: a proximal segment that adheres
closely to the vestibulocochlear nerve, an
intermediate segment that lies free between
the eighth nerve and the motor root of the
facial nerve, and a distal segment that
joins the motor root to form the facial
nerve. Some nerves are adherent to the
eighth nerve throughout their entire course
in the posterior cranial fossa and can be
found as a separate structure only after
opening the internal acoustic meatus. In
most instances the nerve is a single trunk,
but in some cases it is composed of two to
four rootlets. It most frequently arises at
the brain stem anterior to the superior
vestibular nerve as a single large root and
in the meatus, lies anterior to the superior
vestibular nerve. When multiple rootlets are
present, they may arise along the whole
anterior surface of the eighth nerve:
however, they usually converge immediately
proximal to the junction with the facial
motor root to form a single bundle that lies
anterior to the superior vestibular nerve.
Stem Relationships
There is a
consistent set of neural, arterial and
venous relationships at the brain stem that
facilitate identification of the nerves on
the medial side of the tumor.
The neural
structures most intimately related to the
medial side of an acoustic schwannoma are
the pons, medulla, and cerebellum. The
landmarks on these structures that are
helpful in guiding the surgeon to the
junction of the facial nerve with the brain
stem are the pontomedullary sulcus; the
junction of the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and
accessory nerves with the medulla, the
foramen of Luschka and its choroid plexus
and the flocculus.
The facial
nerve arises from the brain stem near the
lateral end of the pontomedullary sulcus.
This sulcus extends along the junction of
the pons and the medulla, and ends
immediately in front of the foramen of
Luschka and the lateral recess of the fourth
ventricle. The facial nerve arises in the
pontomedullary sulcus 1- to 2 mm anterior
to the point at which the vestibulocochlear
nerve joins the brain stem at the lateral
end of the sulcus. The interval between the
vestibulocochlear and facial nerves is
greatest at the level of the pontomedullary
sulcus and decreases as these nerves
approach the meatus.
Vagus, and Accessory Nerves
The facial
nerve has a consistent relationship to the
junction of the glossopharyngeal, vagus and
accessory nerves with the lateral side of
the medulla. The facial nerve arises 2 to 3
mm above the most rostral rootlet
contributing to these nerves. A helpful way
of visualizing the point where the facial
nerve will exit from the brain stem, even
when displaced by tumor, is to project an
imaginary line along the medullary junction
of the rootlets forming the
glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory
nerves, upward through the pontomedullary
junction. This line, at a point 2 to 3 mm
above the junction of the glossopharyngeal
nerve with the medulla, will pass through
the pontomedullary junction at the site
where the facial nerve exits from the brain
stem. The glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves
are seen and should be protected carefully
below the lower margin of the tumor in both
the translabyrinthine and retrosigmoid
Stem Fissures
schwannomas are closely related to the
cerebellopontine and cerebellomedullary
fissures, the clefts formed by the folding
of the cerebellum around the pons and
medulla. The cerebellopontine fissure is a
V-shaped fissure formed by the folding of
the petrosal surface of the cerebellum
around the lateral side of the pons and
middle cerebellar peduncle. The petrosal
surface is the cerebellar surface that faces
the posterior surface of the petrous bone,
and is the cerebellar surface that is
compressed by an acoustic schwannoma. The
cerebellopontine fissure has a superior limb
situated between the rostral half of the
pons and the superior part of the petrosal
surface, and an inferior limb located
between the caudal half of the pons and the
inferior part of the petrosal surface. The
apex of the fissure is located laterally
where the superior and inferior limbs meet.
The V-shaped area between the superior and
inferior limbs, which has the middle
cerebellar peduncle in its floor,
corresponds to the area that is called the
cerebellopontine angle. The trigeminal,
abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear,
glossopharyngeal. and vagus nerves arise
between the superior and inferior limbs of
the fissure. The facial and
vestibulocochlear nerves arise just anterior
to the inferior limb of the fissure and just
below the middle cerebellar peduncle. The
trigeminal nerve arises near the superior
limb of the fissure.
cerebellomedullary fissure, the cleft
between the cerebellum and medulla that
extends upward between the cerebellar tonsil
and the medulla, communicates with the
inferior limb of the cerebellopontine
fissure near the lateral recess of the
fourth ventricle. Several structures related
to the lateral recess and the foramen of
Luschka project into the cerebellopontine
angle near the facial and the
vestibulocochlear nerves.
of Luschka, Choroid Plexus, and Flocculus
structures related to the lateral recess of
the fourth ventricle that have a consistent
relationship to the facial and
vestibulocochlear nerves are the foramen of
Luschka and its choroid plexus and the
flocculus. The foramen of Luschka is
situated at the lateral margin of the
pontomedullary sulcus, just dorsal to the
junction of the glossopharyngeal nerve with
the brain stem, and immediately
posteroinferior to the junction of the
facial and vestibulocochlear nerves with the
brain stem. The foramen of Luschka is
infrequently well visualized. However, there
is a consistently identifiable tuft of
choroid plexus that hangs out of the foramen
of Luschka and sits on the posterior surface
of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves
just inferior to the junction of the facial
and vestibulocochlear nerves with the brain
structure related to the lateral recess is
the flocculus. It is a fan-shaped cerebellar
lobule that projects from the margin of the
lateral recess into the cerebellopontine
angle. The flocculus, together with the
nodule of the vermis, forms the primitive
flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum. The
flocculus is attached to the rostral margin
of the lateral recess and foramen of
Luschka. The flocculus is continuous
medially with the inferior medullary velum,
a butterfly-shaped sheet of neural tissue
that forms on the surface of the nodule and
sweeps laterally above the tonsil to form
part of the inferior half of the roof of the
fourth ventricle. The lateral part of the
inferior medullary velum narrows to a
smaller bundle, the peduncle of the
flocculus, which fuses to the rostral margin
of the lateral recess and foramen of
Luschka. The flocculus projects from the
peduncle of the flocculus into the
cerebellopontine angle just posterior to the
site at which the facial and
vestibulocochlear nerves join the
pontomedullary sulcus.
The arteries
crossing the cerebellopontine angle, especially the
anterior inferior cerebellar artery, have a
consistent relationship to the facial and
vestibulocochlear nerves, foramen of Luschka and
flocculus. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery
originates from the basilar artery and encircles the
pons near the pontomedullary sulcus. After coursing
near, and sending branches to the nerves entering
the acoustic meatus and the choroid plexus
protruding from the foramen of Luschka, it passes
around the flocculus to reach the surface of the
middle cerebellar peduncle and terminates by
supplying the lips of the cerebellopontine fissure
and the petrosal surface of the cerebellum. The
anterior inferior cerebellar artery usually
bifurcates near the facial and vestibulocochlear
nerves to form a rostral trunk and a caudal trunk.
The rostral trunk courses along the middle
cerebellar peduncle to supply the upper part of the
petrosal surface, and the caudal trunk passes near
the lateral recess and supplies the lower part of
the petrosal surface.
The trunk of the
anterior inferior cerebellar artery is divided into
three segments based on its relationship to the
nerves and the meatus: the premeatal, meatal and
postmeatal segments. The premeatal segment begins at
the basilar artery and courses around the brain stem
to reach the region of the meatus. The meatal
segment is located in the vicinity of the internal
acoustic meatus. The postmeatal segment begins
distal to the nerves and courses medially to supply
the brain stem and cerebellum. The meatal segment
often forms a laterally convex loop, the meatal
loop. directed toward or into the meatus. In a prior
study, it was found that the meatal segment was
located medial to the porus in 46 percent of 50
cases and formed a loop that reached the porus or
protruded into the canal in 54 percent. In opening
the canal by the middle fossa, translabyrinthine, or
posterior approach, care is needed to avoid injury
to the meatal segment if it is located at or
protrudes through the porus.
In most cases, the
anterior inferior cerebellar artery passes below the
facial and vestibulocochlear nerves as it encircles
the brain stem, but it may also pass above or
between these nerves in its course around the brain
stem. In the most common case, in which the artery
passes below the nerves, the tumor displaces the
artery inferiorly. If the artery courses between the
facial and vestibulocochlear nerves, a tumor arising
in the latter nerve will displace the artery
forward. Tumor growth will displace the artery
superiorly if it passes above the nerves.
The branches of
the anterior inferior cerebellar artery that arise
near the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves are the
labyrinthine (internal auditory) arteries, which
supply the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves and
adjacent structures, the recurrent perforating
arteries, which may initially pass toward the meatus
but subsequently turn medially and supply the brain
stem and the subarcuate artery, which enters the
subarcuate fossa. The subarcuate artery usually ends
in the bone below the superior canal but it may
infrequently supply the distal territory of the
labyrinthine arteries.
The superior
cerebellar artery, which is separated from the tumor
by the trigeminal nerve, is displaced rostrally by
the tumor, and the posterior inferior cerebellar
artery is displaced caudally with the
glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves.
The veins on the
side of the brain stem that have a predictable
relationship to the facial and vestibulocochlear
nerves are those draining the petrosal surface of
the cerebellum, the pons and medulla, and the
cerebellopontine and cerebellomedullary fissures.
The identification of any of these veins during
removal of the tumor makes it easier to identify the
site of the junction of the facial and
vestibulocochlear nerves with the brain stem. These
veins on the medial side of the tumor are the vein
of the pontomedullary sulcus, which courses
transversely in the pontomedullary sulcus; the
lateral medullary vein, which courses longitudinally
along the line of origin of the rootlets of the
glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves; the
vein of the cerebellomedullary fissure, which passes
dorsal or ventral to the flocculus before joining
the other veins in the cerebellopontine angle; the
vein of the middle cerebellar peduncle, which is
formed by the union of the lateral medullary vein
and the vein of the pontomedullary sulcus and
ascends on the middle cerebellar peduncle to join
the vein of the cerebellopontine fissure; and the
vein of the cerebellopontine fissure, which is
formed by the union of the veins that arise on the
petrosal surface of the cerebellum and converge on
the apex of the cerebellopontine fissure. All of
these veins course near the lateral recess and the
junction of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves
with the brain stem.
The veins
surrounding an acoustic schwannoma terminate by
forming bridging veins, called petrosal veins, which
empty into the superior petrosal sinus. These veins,
which cross the cerebellopontine angle to reach the
superior petrosal sinus, are the ones most
frequently occluded in the course of operations in
the cerebellopontine angle. Bridging veins are more
frequently exposed and sacrificed in the rostral
part of the cerebellopontine angle during operations
near the trigeminal nerve than during operations
near the nerves entering the internal acoustic
meatus. The exposure of an acoustic schwannoma in
the central part of the cerebellopontine angle near
the lateral recess can usually be completed without
sacrificing a bridging vein. If a vein is
obliterated during acoustic tumor removal, it is
usually one of the superior petrosal veins, which is
sacrificed near the superior pole of the tumor
during the later stages of the removal of a large
tumor. Small acoustic schwannomas are usually
removed without sacrificing a petrosal vein. The
largest vein encountered around the superior pole of
an acoustic schwannoma is the vein of the
cerebellopontine fissure, which passes from the
petrosal surface of the cerebellum above the facial
and vestibulocochlear nerves to join other
tributaries of the superior petrosal sinus.
Because acoustic
schwannomas most frequently arise in the posteriorly
placed vestibular nerves, they usually displace the
facial and cochlear nerves anteriorly. The facial
nerve is stretched around the anterior half of the
tumor capsule. The nerve is infrequently found on
the posterior surface of the tumor. Because the
facial nerve always enters the facial canal at the
anteriorsuperior quadrant of the lateral end of the
internal auditory canal, it is usually easiest to
locate it here, rather than at a more medial
location where the degree of displacement of the
nerve is more variable. The cochlear nerve also lies
anterior to the vestibular nerve and is most
frequently stretched around the anterior half of the
tumor. The strokes of the fine dissecting
instruments used in removing the tumor should be
directed along the vestibulocochlear nerve from
medial to lateral rather than from lateral to
medial, because traction medially may tear the tiny
filaments of the cochlear nerve at the site where
these filaments penetrate the lateral end of the
meatus to enter the cochlea.
The landmarks that
are helpful in identifying the facial and
vestibulocochlear nerves at the brain stem on the
medial side of the tumor have been reviewed. These
nerves, although distorted by tumor, can usually be
identified on the brain stem side of the tumor at
the lateral end of the pontomedullary sulcus, just
rostral to the glossopharyngeal nerve, and just
anterior-superior to the foramen of Luschka,
flocculus and choroid plexus protruding from the
foramen of Luschka. After the facial and
vestibulocochlear nerves are identified on the
medial and lateral sides of the tumor, the final
remnants of the tumor are separated from the
intervening segment of the nerves.
In the three
operative approaches to the canal and
cerebellopontine angle (retrosigmoid,
translabyrinthine and middle fossa), a communication
may be established between the subarachnoid space
and the mastoid air cells that will require careful
closure in order to prevent a CSF leak. The
retrosigmoid approach is suitable for the removal of
both small and large tumors. It does not
automatically lead to the loss of hearing because of
the structures transgressed in reaching the tumor,
as does the translabyrinthine approach, which is
directed through the vestibule and semicircular
canals. Surgeons who operate by the
translabyrinthine route most commonly use it for
small or medium-size tumors in which there is no
chance of preserving hearing. It may be combined
with a retrosigmoid craniectomy for the removal of
large tumors. A final disadvantage of this approach
is the large communication that is established
between the subarachnoid space and the mastoid. The
middle fossa approach is the least frequently
performed operative approach to an acoustic
schwannoma. The middle fossa and retrosigmoid
approaches may be used for the removal of small
tumors in which there is useful hearing that may be
preserved. |