Fossa Approach
The middle
fossa approach, as described by House in
1961 involves an extradural subtemporal
approach with microneurosurgical unroofing
of the internal auditory canal. This
approach is limited to the excision of small
intracanalicular tumors that have not
escaped the confines of the internal
auditory canal. It is usually performed in
patients in whom hearing remains at a
functional level, providing a chance of
hearing preservation.
subtemporal-transtentorial approach as
described by Rosomoff, uses a craniotomy
centered low over the petrous ridge,
extending anteriorly over the middle cranial
fossa, superiorly to the parietal boss and
posteriorly to a point midway between the
mastoid process and the inion. A U-shaped
dural flap based on the transverse sinus is
made. The temporal lobe is retracted
anteriorly and the occipital lobe is
retracted posteriorly. At this point it may
be necessary to divide the vein of Labbe or
possibly several smaller veins draining the
temporal and occipital lobes. The petrous
ridge and superior petrosal sinus are
followed to the edge of the tentorium, where
the trochlear nerve can be identified. The
tentorium is opened close to the petrosal
sinus and this opening is angled back to a
point behind the entrance of the trochlear
nerve. Retraction of the divided tentorium
provides adequate exposure of the
cerebellopontine angle. In the removal of an
acoustic tumor, the superior petrosal sinus
is ligated and a dural flap is turned over
the acoustic meatus. The roof of the canal
is drilled away and the tumor is dissected
free of the nerves. A technique of internal
decompression with mobilization is used to
remove the remaining tumor. Complications of
this approach include possible injury to the
trochlear nerve, inadequate exposure of the
lower pole of the tumor, postoperative
seizures, and temporal lobe dysfunction.